I need to point out a few things before moving on.
- The attackers are cowards
- They are noobs and cheapos. Why the hell use a cheap plastic bottle to make a molotov.
- Furthermore, the molotovs did not explode...shy or not ah...(on purpose?)
- The attackers are clearly Malays. Not to be racist but come on, no other races are as backward-thinking as them. They solve issues using violence and threatening others. They dont like the way you do things, they throw a warning letter. Same thing happened to..what's his name..Karpal Singh if not mistaken, for dealing with the Lingam case. (not quite sure what happened here)
- The attackers language command is uber poor. Poor command of Malay language = supposed to intimidate/threaten/belittle others? Come on...how lame can they be...sheesh...
- Using the word "babi" against a chinese is the same thing as using "lembu" against indians. Oh, i feel so offended...NOT! Doesn't mean that the word is a taboo for your race is also a taboo for other races. Again they are being lame.
With people like that in our country, how are we supposed to be more civilised and how are we going to move forward in regards to vision 2020? If you recall, all these actions still do not fulfill Mahathir's words when he was our PM.
Go Malays! You are the main reason why we are still not achieving the first world mentality.