Thursday, October 02, 2008

Top 10 Game Cliches (from my P.O.V.)

From my experience so far, the cliches involved in a video game is almost unavoidable. Why is this always happening, i have no idea. Maybe its because of technology limitation, or perhaps it's there to make it fun to play. Come to think of it, they really dont make much sense. Whatever it is, they are still games, and games are not supposed to reflect reality, otherwise they wont be called games, right? (oppose Jack Thompson for his thoughts on GTA games)

So lets get right to it: (not sorted according to favourism)
  1. Exploding barrels - Quite many FPS action games have practised the habit of placing exploding barrels in the environment, but i cant seem to understand why these barrels tend to be a sign of enemy activity. For example, you are walking down a quiet corridor and you spot a red barrel right up ahead next to a T junction which is beside a closed door. You instantly get a feeling that a soldier might open that door, position himself near the barrel while shooting at you. You react by shooting that barrel to rid off him. Sad case for him.

  2. Extremely huge boss battle arenas - While some games often build some hype around to prepare you for a boss fight, some indirectly create a psychological intension of telling you there's a boss coming up ahead when you see a huge arena. I mean come on...You are walking along the close quarters of a basement for 3/4 of the game and suddenly noticed a big ass flat plain. What the hell man, it's just like saying "welcome to a boss fight" before entering that area. I understand that this is to reduce frustration in some noob gamers should they lose the boss fight, but i still think it is a game cliche for a long long time.

  3. Tonnes of ammos lying around nearing boss fights - I also noticed that when it comes to boss fights, not only does the player save his game, but he also looks around to replenish his ammuntion. Why? Not enough ammo, therefore will get owned by boss? Why? Boss got more ammo than you is it? Boss got more armor than you is it? Boss smarter than you is it? Haha, the boss can never be smarter than us human's all scripted and programmed to act in phases. Anyway, why do bosses always hang out at areas that have tonnes of ammo for his rival to use against him?

  4. Blinking body parts showing weakness spot - Oh my, i cant stress how much i hated it. Which era are we living in now? Why does the body part BLINK?! Even science couldn't explain such a cliche. Why is it that that specific body part must be its weakness? Why is it that i shoot his head that he doesn't die?
    - Because he wears a helmet? Then find a way to break the helmet! 
    - Because he can cloak himself? Listen to the sound he emit and blindfire then! They dont give you lots of ammunition for nothing, right? Haha...

  5. Repetitive ways of killing an enemy - I wish to use the PS2's "God of War" for this example because it uses button sequence killing blows. Why in the living hell does Kratos kill all his minotaur enemies using the same old button-sequenced technique?! Why do those minotaurs not LEARN Kratos's moves and improvise?! At least they (developers) should have made a more complicated button-sequence move for the minotaur after a few levels to provide variety. Damn, every time i see my friend play the GoW, i felt like saying, "deng lei, dont always use same move again la...sien lan dou hai la diu..."

  6. Special items dropped by bosses, later levels will somehow require you to have that power - Wow, a long description but a true cliche. I'll take Doom 3's expansion pack for example. These bosses have special powers that will be passed on to the player if defeated. The player will then get to use this powers (not willingly, but forced to use) in later levels. What's up with that? Wouldn't it be more fun if we DO NOT acquire the power but instead improvise using the current state of environment?
    - Example: Boss 1 has the ability to slow down time, making him able to move at a seemingly higher speed. Alright, since now you got his power, you are REQUIRED to get pass a room filled with burning hot lasers firing at all directions rapidly. What do you do if you DON'T HAVE that ability? I would personally gather some mirrors to form a protective shield around me. I feel so cheap if i were to use that time-slowing ability...sheesh...

  7. Vehicles/special weapons available to you only when needed - Like i had mentioned earlier, certain enemies have blinking body parts, some might not have. So what do game developers do? Provide you with the right weapon of choice for that certain enemy at that very moment. A tutorial will be provided on the HUD/voice overs to tell you what to do with that newly acquired weapon. Damn it, it should work how it is meant to work, otherwise why introduce it at the last minute when the enemy is already chewing on my ass?! When you feel overpowered while using that weapon, somehow the game will restrict you from using it later on in the game to balance out the difficulty. I say it's just crap...

  8. Oblivious amount of weapons carried at once (hammerspace) - Talking about weapons, how many can you hold at a time? Let me list out for you.
    - A pistol?
    - A pistol and a shotgun?
    - A pistol, a shotgun, a submachinegun?
    - A pistol, a shotgun, a submachinegun, and 5 grenades?
    - A pistol, a shotgun, a submachinegun, 5 grenades and a knife?
    - A pistol, a shotgun, a submachinegun, 5 grenades, a knife, and a chaingun?
    - A pistol, a shotgun, a submachinegun, 5 grenades, a knife, a chaingun, and a plasma rifle?
    - A pistol, a shotgun, a submachinegun, 5 grenades, a knife, a chaingun, a plasma rifle, and a sniper rifle?
    -  A pistol, a shotgun, a submachinegun, 5 grenades, a knife, a chaingun, a plasma rifle, a sniper rifle, and a rocket launcher?
    - A pistol, a shotgun, a submachinegun, 5 grenades, a knife, a chaingun, a plasma rifle, a sniper rifle, a rocket launcher, and a BFG?
    Heck, a boss doesn't need so damn many weapons to kill you alone. He play unlimited ammo cheat? Hmm, I wonder why...

  9. Obvious scripted destructible environment - One noticable aspect in games (and animes) is that sometimes you can spot what can be (and will be) destroyed and what couldn't. Take Resident Evil 5 for example. The game developer boasts destructible cover over the course of the game to increase horror factor. Destructible cover my ass! These covers are so damn obvious, it's like "look, that wall is going to be broken down by that huge-titty monster!" Horror factor = 0. Another thing is that horror games ARE SUPPOSED to have destructible cover, not like Silent Hill where walls can only prevent ghosts/monster from coming to you. "Gears of War" had certainly broken the formula when a Berserker rammed through a pillar instead of going around it to get to us (yes, a two player coop game). DA HORRORZZ~~!! 

  10. Unlockables/collectibles - This is the MOST ANNOYING cliche that i have been condemning. Why the F#*K must i COLLECT the BLOODY items spread out meaninglessly through the levels?!!! I mean WHY??!! Sometimes it makes sense to collect them for extras (to know more about a story, behind the scenes etc etc), and sometimes its just so damn stupid to put experience points for you to collect in a level. WTF?! You can actually TOUCH and COLLECT experience?? WTF man, WTF?! 
    - Example in real life: Go to the top of KL Tower to get 10,000 exp points for penis enlargement.
    - Example #2: Put your hand into the toilet bowl to collect hidden viagra.
    Just pure WTF nonsense...
Things I look for/forward in a video game:
  1. Convincing physics - Not to be confused with crappy cheapo physics as introduced in "Star Wars: The F**ker...err...Force Unleashed". The physics in that game is pure damn many objects floating in the air after a Force Push is executed. Glitchy like shit. The remnants of fallen debris do not stay on the ground. Instead, they DISAPPEAR! Wow, physics can do that? I didn't know...

  2. Adaptable Non-Playable Character (NPC) Artificial Intelligence (AI) - What more can i say. Enemies who actually know how to research on the pattern or the way you fight, use of environment to bring me down (like F.E.A.R. did, really amazes me even till now) and flanking manuevers (like Bros in Arms series, bloody hell i cant even pass the level. If only i had more grenades to be thrown behind their cover...)

  3. In-game menus - I must give credit to "Dead Space" and "Far Cry 2" for revolutionizing in-game menus. The use of maps, indicators, and such are all in-game properties! Can't wait to see more.

  4. Real-time actions - This plays a very very important role in horror games especially when a monster is chasing you down and you have to stop to heal. Yeah, the horror factor is quadrupled if the player discovers that there is no pausing the surroundings when healing, heheh... S.T.A.L.K.E.R. also implemented this, but i dont see the point in that since cover is aplenty.

  5. Ridiculous violence (Gears of War or God of War alike) - Who doesn't like video game violence? Come on, you're lying to yourself if you say you don't...hahha~

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