Wednesday, February 17, 2010

2012 Movie Review

When this movie first came out in the cinemas, I've heard plenty of hype that it was a great movie, a "must-watch" movie of the year. I was a bit skeptical about the movie, but didnt get to watch in in the cinemas (for some unknown reason). The trailer looked promising with action packed in less than 5 min.

Well, the trailer was (as you know it) just a trailer. The best parts of the movie is already in the trailer and there is nothing else jaw-dropping left in the movie. I watched for the first 30 min and I'm already feeling sleepy. I guess the biggest mistakes made by the producers of the movie is to include random technical jargon all over the place, stuff that relate to geological and astronomical studies and what-not. 30 min was wasted on that, not to mention nonsense, lame, and political dialogues that bring no meaning to the whole story. At least PJ's King Kong did a better storytelling of the background of the characters that serve different purposes later in the movie.

Apparently, in 2012, in the biggest and most dominant country in the whole world, their citizens STILL do not realize that the "government" are all lies. They STILL believe them when they are asked to "calm down" when reality suggests they should be panicking. Really bodoh *facepalm*. Also, many people said this movie was "action packed all the way from start till end". I dont see any "action". unless you people mean "verbal action" la~. Things like "we have to get out of blablabla, get to blablabla. Come on! Hurry blablabla. Get that blablabla. We gotta make it out here alive blablabla."

And I really really hope they dont mean the CG...because CG dont mean anything other than to make you "waaa, you saw that?! the car went thru a collapsing glass building!!! yeng wor!!!". Seriously, dont...i will kill you for that. IMO, "The Sinking of Japan" did better overall although the CG was quite fake. THAT movie was touching, saddening and shows the fight for survival and ultimate sacrifice. 2012 on the other like a ride in the jurassic park which lasts for ( guessed it) less than 5 min.

There are so many negative things i want to say, but i just cant remember the movie. It is that bad! I wanted to turn off the dvd player after 1 hour into the movie...but didnt because my parents were watching (my mother was totally oblivious to what's happening on-screen and contributed to my UGHHH factor)

**UGHHH factor = things that i dont like when watching a movie

hmm, i really should create a post just for that, just realised i didnt make one before


j_yenn said...

Hi, I came across your blog a long time ago. I read about your difficulty with Anthony

Go read up the nightmare Anthony caused me to go through as well ;)

Cire said...

No, that was not anthony. That was another person in the admin dept. mr ragu if not mistaken. The whole incident was not related to anthony at all.

and wow, that's a looong post...