Saturday, February 06, 2010

No Need Title Laaaa

Have you ever played games, as in video games, before? Dont know why some people always say certain games are fake/not real/nonsense. Yea, games are fake...that's why it is a DAMN GAME. You want real? Then go rob a bank, play with the police, gamble your life in prison, try it! Its fun...i can assure you...Games are meant to be fake, come on. Why nobody ever complained "hey, look! It's fake...i wont play" WTF, obviously there is no such thing as "falling-bricks-which-will-twist-and-turn-at-will-in-mid-air-to-form-lines-at-the-floor-just-to-disappear-and-be-repeated-all-over-again-until-the-bricks-actually-fall-faster-and-then-the-game-over-screen-pops-up-mysteriously". To say that a game is fake just proves how irrational you can be in making decisions. I'll just go ahead and assume you are one of those people who play Final F-king Fantasy games (that game is boring as hell for me, but i wont say its fake, unlike you, because the combat system is very much like playing Chess which is turn-based...). LOL, if US and the middle east are going at their throats like turn-based strategy games, i will be amused. Seriously, who goes to war saying "ok, your turn now".

What-ever la...Maybe you're just the kind of person who does not game, very well, i can understand that...but dont let me catch you playing those flash games on FB because i will (and i mean i WILL) go up to you and scold you for being a hypocrite that you are, and always will be.

On a side note, Im going for my company's annual dinner here's hoping i wouldn't come back empty handed. High hopes for the following lucky gifts:-

  1. video cam
  2. DSLR cam
  3. iphone/3G handphone...?
  4. x-hdd
  5. console (haha, highly unlikely they will prepare this as a present XD)
if all else fails...then going home with goodie bag or hamper also ok least got something to fill up my stomach when im hungry...

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