Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Great, Another Superhero Show...

With the upcoming long-awaited superhero show "Superman Returns", both the younger and older generation fans of the Man of Steel are truly eager to storm the big screens in their neighbourhood. Question is...why is it so popular? Not that it's gonna be more popular than the wall-climbing web-shooting city-polluting Spiderman or the cool rich handsome vengeful bastard Batman...what I'm saying is...what if compared to other Asian superhero shows like Ultraman or Kamen Rider?

Although Hollywood owns the movie industry, non-Hollywood movies should also be shown in cinemas! Why? If Superman, Batman and Spiderman can, why cant Ultraman and Kamen Rider?

Let's compare between Superman and Ultraman:

1) Fights human villains
2) Destruction of the metropolis included
3) Has a weakness - Kryptonite
4) The usage of CG is aplenty
5) Fight scene is fake
6) Unexplainable super powers with utterly embarrasing names...

1) Fights monsters (sometimes human villains)
2) Destruction of *insert Japanese district here* included
3) Has a weakness - Darkness
4) The usage of CG is aplenty
5) Fight scene is fake
6) Unexplainable super powers with utterly embarrasing names...

And YET the same old Superman makes it to the big screens while Ultraman retires in Japan over the years and ALTHOUGH the Japs keep on making up new Silver Heroes over the decades, Superman is still the same old Superman *yawn*. Let's be honest, what do you expect to see next from Superman/Ultraman? It's the villains whom we're more interested to know. Unless that film is "Godzilla: Final Wars", then I'd most probably understand why it never made it to the cinemas lah~

At the end of the day, the results are still the matter how hard the villain tries to "take over the world", it still boils down to the winner being the protagonist thanks to the one-sided thinking of the cunning director who eats our money like they were consuming oxygen.


Okay...if that statement ever made sense, I'll end here coz it's freaking 3.30am and I'll only be having 4 hours of sleep before I start my journey to college for a better tomorrow (Fuiyooo! So determined!!!)

- If Spiderman is addressed as "wall-climbing web-shooting city-polluting"...
- and Batman being "cool rich handsome vengeful bastard" (because he lost his parents and he lives with a butler...?!!?)
- and Ultraman being the Silver Hero
- then what is Superman...?

Answer: Man of Steel who can fly with a pair of red undies...I guess Lois Lane has a lust for red undies...sigh...what a waste...bad taste...

(whoever finds this offensive is childish, how bout that?)

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