Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Nostalgic Feeling

Looking back at my old school magazine, there's a bit of nostalgic feeling to it. While the lame-ass teacher's day and sports day and other events are nothing but crap, the senior's pages are the ones that are the most worth looking through.

It kinda reminded me of how I behaved and performed in my daily routine back then. Yes yes...I admit I was childish, but only to get people's attention since...I'm the only child mah!
And look at me now...all cool and macho and self-concerned guy. No more Mr. Nice Guy cause he's ghey!

I kinda have a feeling of regret, particularly because of:

a) mixing with the wrong herd of friends (sorry, I know 'herd' are for cows but what's the difference?)
b) getting involved in a relationship
c) getting unskilled, untrained, unprofessional, immature, impatient b1tC#3$ to teach us the most crucial subjects resulting in me getting low grades for SPM. Seriously...damn you...

One word of advice, do NOT get yourself involved in a relationship! No matter what happens, whether she confesses (if you're a guy), or whether if she strips for you, or even if she rapes you...STAY OUT OF IT! It's like a drug, everything will be ruined! You will soon find that you will have lesser times with your friends, lesser chances to eye on girls, and your studies will go down the drain...hah!

One more thing...when I look into the school mag...I realised that most of those girls who were said to be pretty or cute or stuff like that...are nothing but CH3Ap 53ll0U+5 (if you can read leet, good for you). I had crushes on them too, but come to think of it...its back to the previous rule...STAY OUT OF IT! It's only an illusion for desperados!

One last thing to say before I end my post...and this is addressed to all future Senior Page makers:

Dont start to design your page at the very last minute. You must consider the time needed to edit the pages AS WELL AS having your classmates/teacher to approve it. By then only will it be brought forward to the school magazine society to get approval from the Principal to be published. Sigh, such high level of bureaucracy...boring...

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