Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Who's Bad? What's Bad? How Bad?

You know what's bad? Drugs are bad...mmkay? Skipping classes is bad...mmkay? Porno is bad too...mmkay? So kids, listen up and follow what the Big Guy's gonna tell you right in your face, "do anything you want to your-freaking-self, as long as you do not demoralise yourself"

And so, this little boy went home feeling very excited about wat the Big Guy said. He thought of going to the cybercafe, but that would make him look like a gaming addict. He then moved on to smoking, but then again it would make him look like a samseng. He tried several different approaches to different 'activities' but the Big Guy's words keep on playing in his mind.

And then this particular thought strucked him in his brain. The thought of keeping a single finger nail long for as long as possible.

Small boy: Hmm, keeping a finger nail long is not a crime. It's also not demoralising. In fact, no one will even know it! It'll be a great help when my food gets stuck in my mouth. Nose itch? No problem too!

The small boy kept his nail long for almost 2 months now. That was when he suddenly felt that it was dangerous to keep long nails. Why? This boy was using a sponge to scrub the dishes in the kitchen after dinner just now when his nail got caught in the sponge. The nail got slightly bent (thankfully not broken). Right at that moment, random thoughts of nails breaking began to flow constantly into mind. Without delaying, the small boy immediately cut off his long nail.

Moral: Long nails are bad...mmkay?!

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There is apparently no "Big Guy" in reality, so snap out of it! No children were harmed in this greatly crafted story. Peace!

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