Monday, December 10, 2007

Hate Hate Hate!!!

Exam over already. Now do what? Sien lor. Still waiting for my games, dont know when only can go and buy. Many people ask me why my blog dont have pictures, actually to be more specific...why don't have LENGLUI pictures.

Those of you who knew me for a long time, should know why i don't put up girl's pictures. But for those who doesn't know (or knew already, but still so patt~), it would look like i'm promoting for them. Take friendster for example (yes, friendster bashing time!!! Die friendster DIE!!!). F-er (short for friendster, for noobs who can't spell "friendster"...yeah i know there are some out need to deny...) is a place where you get to create a profile and update details about yourself. Basically what you do is to sign up for an account, look for your friends, ADD them to your buddy list and search for strangers who are hot. Yes...i hot...Anyway, I think its best that I point them all out in point form.

Text Customization

Sometimes when i visit people's profile pages, and when i feel like adding them...i just couldnt decide which button to press because the text have all been changed. Yeah, sure...customizing text is a good way to show that you have some personality, but why cant you just leave it as it is? For example, "add as friend" has been changed to "hook me up" or "hit me baby"...That's just totally gay.

Annoying Automatic Music Playback

Sometimes when I'm just browsing through people's profile, I often get interrupted by the blasting music coming out from the music player in their pages. Sometimes its so bad that I even got a heart-attack by the sudden boom of the player. At least you should have just put some calm music that helps relax the reader's mind, and NOT giving them a hard time reading. It's even more gay that sometimes the playback cannot be controlled by the player.

Ridiculous Fonts

Fonts are important as they help the viewers and readers to navigate around the page with ease, but once these fonts are misused and mixed with the inappropriate page theme as well as colour scheme...they can be disastrous, trust me...I've seen the worst. Some people tend to colour their text fonts by having this flashy effect once the mouse rolls over them, or once the user clicks on the links. Sometimes its so random that it makes me wanna puke. Ever seen invisible fonts? I had to highlight that column just to see those hidden words that does really matter much to the page.

Buttons That Appear as Pictures

Some people just want to be too creative with things. They can think of all sorts of things...including turning that "add comment" button into a BIG FAT "+" symbol. If this is not bad enough, how about turning the whole profile page into some sort of kiddie puzzle where you must literally GUESS what each of the symbols/pictures mean. Gosh, that...i can tell REALLY GAY.

Translucent Page

And what's with making a page that is almost invisible to the eye? What's the whole point? I mean, you want people to view your page and at the same time you're preventing others from actually viewing your page? What are you an oxymoron or something? Or are you trying to show that, "Hey! Look at my fancy background! I'm making the page invisible so that you can view my background or wallpaper better!". Idiots...

Flashy Backgrounds

Some profiles have animated moving backgrounds while some have flashy backgrounds. Yes, FLASHY as in *blink blink* backgrounds. I must admit that some people are very good at creating an environment where the background portrays a calm and soothing feeling. But for those extremists...(don't know if they realise if they're just too stupid or ignorant)...FYI, flashy backgrounds without any relevance is a pain in the rear...Am i supposed to be hypnotized by those flashy images so that i am zombified to view your dumb profile?

Noisy Flash Comments

Sending a comment or a message to another person or friend is very thoughtful. But it is often annoying to view a profile which has many comments with those flash music on. Stuff like birthday greetings, christmas cards, and "i miss you" flash messages...imagine all playing at the same time. Probably the f-er (thats Friendster, mind you...) group should start working on creating special pages just to view e-cards or something.

Fake User Accounts

Although i have never been added in f-er, i've always wanted to search for girls (HAHAHA). But what i often find is that they are not always what they look like in their profile picture. Potong stim like shit. Search for 18 year olds with cute and pretty face, only to be HORRIFIED by their auntie-ah lian-ah poh looks. Furthermore, sometimes can even see them posing like cats...dogs...bunnies...apa macam pun ada...tak malu giler...

Purpose of This Whole Thing? Is it because you're ugly?

Finally, once you manage to go through all the above reasons of why i hate f-er (actually still got more reasons...), you might think...thank god its over. NO, its not over yet! What if one day you stumble upon a profile which actually COMBINES ALL THE ABOVE ELEMENTS. That is one hell of an idiotic lifeless freak with a FU-creativity-level-BAR.

1 comment:

LeNgLuiLiNg said...

LOL.... many comment on tht... annoying automatic music playback... sometimes midnight.. viewing ppl profile... really can get heart attack... hohohoh