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(left to right)Top row: Sai Mun, Me and Eric NgBottom row: Wy Howe and Sin Wah
Sin Wah gangbanged...
*Warning, long post*It was a LONG night...where my life hit its turning all began last Sunday...I left my pc on while i went downstairs for dinner. When i came up, my monitor was on, cpu lights were on...speakers on...modem on...but dont have any display on the monitor...So...i forced my pc to shutdown...and then operated my cpu...take out the graphic card...*wipe wipe wipe* put it back in...clean my cpu fan...and then assemble everything back...Tried to switch it on, but still the everything...*look here look there*...plug out main switch, plug out all the other switches...and then plug back ALL in...turn on the main switch on the wall..............................
*BOOOOOOM!!!*whole house blackout...
Sparks flew out from the back of the PSU...such a scary moment...from then onwards...i felt that the most precious thing in my life was taken away...from the grip of my hands...i could feel her soul leaving her body...*sniff sniff*...

I slept early that night until the next afternoon. Woke up, took my lunch, and went back to sleep. Despite the fact that i still have many assignments to complete, i was surprised that i could still sleep peacefully...aaaahhh...Guess what time i woke up later that evening? 7pm...After doing some thinking after dinner, i've bring my pc for repair the following day (which is today, Tuesday). Woke up on a not-so-peaceful morning. Quickly called up the pc shop in pyramid if they do servicing etc etc etc...Imagine CARRYING the whole cpu across to Pyramid (as in WALKING there), and then CARRYING the whole cpu back to my house on foot, under the hot sun...damn...those sweat that came down my face blocked my view...was like taking a bath under the sun...(ya, i know some of you may this is a norm, but bear in mind that i seldom do heavy tasks like this).
Reached home safely, with arms aching LIKE $#!+. Holding a cup of water never like struggling before. Holding the shower head never felt so heavy before. It is as if gravity in my house had increased after the "journey". Excitedly, i ran upstairs to fix my cpu and hoped that everything will turn out fine...but NOOOOO! The computer wouldn't startup! I panicked...where is the problem???
I called my father to ask the cause of the problem...fortunately he said it was just the fuse in the main plug that's giving trouble. I quickly gathered my...*ahem*..."tools" to open up the plug and transfered the fuse over to an unused plug...and voila! It worked like magic!
So happy!!! Started doing assignments already, cannot afford to delay any longer...So thats my story of the day...hope you enjoyed reading it (although it's such a darn long post, some of you might have dozed of...oh well...).
To our beloved PITS lecturer who's a self-proclaimed bloghopper (variation of grasshopper?!!), if you're reading this, please proceed to this blog. It belongs to a poor girl (figuratively and literally) who is constantly "desperate" for $$$. LOL, What you need to do is simply click on the google ads at the bottom of the page multiple times...You are to help her do that everytime you log on to the internet (cause the IP changes everytime you log in). Help her...and you MAY just save someone's life...
Hope the girl doesn't come after me when she finds out about life is at risk here...
Traffic jam is said to be the best excuse when it comes to late arrival to a destination (according to statistics, it shows 98% of the time). Numerous steps have been taken to overcome the jam, but none seems to work because of the increasing number of vehicles on the road(sooner or later). Have you ever wondered what are the things that cause a massive jam? We're talking IN MALAYSIA here...not Sammy Vellu...I travel home by bus everyday using the Federal Highway, but I've never encountered such a massive jam that stretches from KL (pronounced Kay-el) to LDP (pronounced el-DEE-pee),(the Penang-like overhead bridge near the ex-Motorola building). Hah, the bus driver did a very typical Malaysian thing...which was to use the emergency lane to potong other vehicles.
Even when he did that, the bus was still travelling at a low speed, so it didn't bring much difference. My guess is that the bus was travelling at 20-30Kmph all the way...
Anyway, after all the dreaded ride, finally it reached LDP where the bus changes its course (to Sunway). Outside my window where i sat...i saw a wrecked (Proton) Saga and a toll truck parked by the saide of the road. SO THIS IS WHAT'S CAUSING THE JAM!!!
#$$@!!$&$*^#!!%^&;%&!!!If I were in charged of the road...and if I have the power to saman...I will be earning easy money for saman-ing those immoral,uncivilised bast*rds...(but then that would cause even more jam...LOL)
Haih...conclusion: We live in Malaysia, so start thinking like a Malaysian, act like a Malaysian and be a Malaysian...cause Malaysia boleh...(tapi tak dapat)
Just got a digital camera for family purpose. Not too over-the-top though, it's just a common camera. Can take pictures enough lor...
For more specs on the cam...just head over here...Right now, i got to go and play with my new toy first...
*I'm not the one who bought it! Get this clear!*
*On my way home from bus stop, walking up the pedestrian bridge...*Chinese guy: Ni hao ma?*Continues walking...*Chinese guy: Ni hao ma?*Looks up and saw two weird looking fools in formal clothes (white shirt, black trousers)*Me: Huh?Chinese guy: Ni hao ma?Me: .............................*act blur, looking left, looking right*Chinese guy: @#^%&E#@%* <---don't know what crap he was saying Me: Huh? Ngo mm sik theang (translation: i don't know what you're saying) Chinese guy: Oh, sorry...erm...Hi, me and my friend here, Sam, would like to know activities...blablabla... Me: Sorry, not interested... *brushed them aside...*
I just love brushing strangers aside ROTFLMAO!!!
Click here to view... (done this out of boredom)