Monday, September 12, 2005

Ni Hao Ma???

*On my way home from bus stop, walking up the pedestrian bridge...*

Chinese guy: Ni hao ma?

*Continues walking...*

Chinese guy: Ni hao ma?

*Looks up and saw two weird looking fools in formal clothes (white shirt, black trousers)*

Me: Huh?

Chinese guy: Ni hao ma?

Me: .............................*act blur, looking left, looking right*

Chinese guy: @#^%&E#@%* <---don't know what crap he was saying

Me: Huh? Ngo mm sik theang (translation: i don't know what you're saying)

Chinese guy: Oh, sorry...erm...Hi, me and my friend here, Sam, would like to know activities...blablabla...

Me: Sorry, not interested...

*brushed them aside...* Image hosted by

I just love brushing strangers aside ROTFLMAO!!!


fallen said...

are they foreigner?

Cire said...

no, the chinese guy isn't...but i think the mat salleh is...*duh*