Saturday, September 24, 2005

So What?! Chui Meh?!

Woohoo!!! We have a new Malaysian Idol!!! Daniel is so yau yeng ah!!! Nita can go to hell!!! Muahahaha!!!...Now what? Having a new M'sian Idol isn't gonna help...right? I what if he is an idol now? So what if Nita kisses my @$$? So what??? I don't feel a damn thing! What do I care if Daniel is so yau yeng? He still loses to me in terms of appearance (cause Malaysia haven't seen me on TV yet, duh). If they can ACTUALLY help me in my assignments, then I WILL be happy of course...
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The truth is...I never really paid any serious attention to the weekly M'sian Idol show. All those smses sent as votes (if accumulated) could greatly help me in getting a new Graphic Card. You Malaysians should help me instead...hmph! What good will Daniel bring to you now that he's an idol? It's his fame...not yours, fools! Help me instead, and I will shower you people with more of my crappy posts...LOL
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Anyway...assignments are being thrown straight to my face one after another, accompanied by lecturers who just love to pressure us (great job in doing so!). Some even have a devil's smirk behind an angel's smile...scary...luckily there's a lecturer who always ponteng class, LOL! That's the only subject left out among those assignments, fortunately.
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Wonder if I will be able to complete those assignments now that I've got two new games to or assignments...i can't torn apart...
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello.. marking the assignment is not a walk in the park either.. can get cross eyed tau!

a devil's smirk behind an angel's smile? nyeh..nyeh..nyeh