Saturday, March 22, 2008

Musical Shows

The other day when i was chatting to a buddy regarding a movie, he mentioned that i will definitely "like" Sweeney Todd. I was like..."uh...who's that? Sounds gay to me." Sure enough, he explained about that gay and yep...he was indeed gay (well not really gay, just...ah nvm). So...yeah...Sweeney Todd is a barber who kills his victim in his barber shop, while singing. Yes...SINGING. How gay is that!

He's right about me "liking" the show. The following conversation took place:

Nic: You know phantom of the opera?
Sic: Ya, the movie or the novel?
Nic: Movie
Sic: OMG...musical show??!!!1One!11!!
Nic: Ya, lol
Sic: NnnnoOOooooo... do not want!!!11! Kill a bit, then sing?
Nic: Is kill while
Sic: wth...singing = not nice
Sic: imagine transformers movie become a musical show~~
Nic: then become kids show already LOL
Sic: then imagine Armageddon become musical show~~
Sic: Twinkle twinkle lil meteor, how i wonder what you are...~~
Nic: XD
Sic: Potong stimzzzz
Sic: Then imagine juon is a musical show~~
Sic: Ghost come out that time...suddenly got "bollywood ghost" dancing also
Sic: Alamak~~rosak habis movie...
Nic: I'm a ghost...and he is my son~~ lalala~~

And this is why i dont like musical shows...i still remember watching "The Sound of Music" and now i know why my father used to say "ceh, not nice to watch wan" and my mom will be like "what?! you think your F1 VERY nice to watch is it??!!"


P.s. Can anyone describe to me how an AvP movie would be like if it's become a musical show? Hmm...Curious...

1 comment:

JDream said...

Alien: Har har siii har har siiiiii (Alienese for "I need you in my arms badly oh baby. Let me impregnate some hapless humans")

Predator: Ur urgh ug uhh uhhuh hhhhh(Predatese for "Say no more darling, we shall embrace and have many chestbursters together")

You get the drift.