Wednesday, December 17, 2008

What "Take Care" Means

You often see the word "take care" in greeting cards, emails and sometimes often heard when people finish a conversation between each other. Usually this "take care" is coupled with wishes like "good/best of luck". When I was still naive, I didn't pay attention to what it really means although it states the obvious. It's just that I'm too ignorant to bother the message.

That is until around a year ago when I started to get sick frequently. At first it was once every 2 months. Then as time passed by, it gradually became as frequent as once every month! I was not aware that the reason for the drop of my body's immunity system was the lifestyle I've adapted for a long time.

Allow me to share my opinions and advice with you readers so that you don't follow my footsteps, cause it is bad...mmkay?
  1. Do not sleep later than 12am. They say that the "fire" will come after 12am.
  2. Take bath frequently, at least twice a day with cold water. This is for those who have inner "flames" like me. Your parents don't have it, doesn't mean you don't have it.
  3. Do some exercise/sports activities. At least you move your muscle and not grow roots. Exercising also helps the cardiovascular system improve.
  4. Do not isolate yourself in a stuffy room. Try to ventilate it with fresh air as best as you can.
  5. Do not always eat heaty food. For me, my throat is sensitive to spicy, heaty things. Drinking plenty of water is a must!
  6. Do not take bath late at night. Don't know true or not, but they say that when you are older, you will often get headaches/body aches.
  7. Control your diet
    ; Take too much of sweet stuff and you'll get diabetes/sugar rocks in kidney.
    ; Take too much chocolate and your pimples will pop out (for my case la).
    ; Take too much fats and you'll get heart failure (or is it?).
Can't think of anymore. You just have to be aware of what you consume, and how you manage your lifestyle. Hopefully I won't get sick as often as before...and now I really mean it when I say "take care" because it is very very difficult when you're weak. I've suffered enough, emotionally, physically and monetarily. 

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