Monday, November 16, 2009

No Need Title lah...

Ok, so from now onwards, I'm gonna be keeping all the feelings to myself, the unhappy ones that is. I must train myself not to explode in front of the public. It is for the better, as my first impression is much more important. I will not act like there was something wrong, as if hiding behind an angel's mask. IMHO, letting others realise their mistakes have more effect than showing them their mistakes. Yup, if they do realise, i guess it shall be their burden to handle the guilt. I dont know why, but the devil within is always forcing me to return to the usual emo side of me. Is that what I really am? Am I better off that way, or do i continue putting on this angel's mask and pretend to be a nice guy? They say that bad guys get the best chicks. Hmm...I guess I'll play Mr Nice Guy for a while more just to see how things turn out (and also to keep my working image).

Eric, they always say "grasp the bird too tightly in your hands will only suffocate it. sometimes you have to learn to let go in order for the bird to come back into your hands". Well, I have been trying to let go, but why isn't it coming back? Am I missing something? If you know, me...already so lonely...somemore wanna let go...I've got nothing else left behind...lonely...

You know one thing I enjoy doing? Singing out loud karaoke style to the tunes of my mp3 player at home. Cant get any better stress reliever than that. It cleanses the mind and the soul. Sometimes I would just sing out aloud in my car while driving, you know, winding down the windows, turning up the volume, and just do the headbanging motion and tapping my fingers on the steering wheel. Cant do that when a passenger is with me though (shy mah).

When I die one day (come on, let's be realistic), during my funeral, I want this song to be played: "Be in the Mirror". Such a sad song can only be felt by those who experienced pain and suffering. Not that I suffered a lot in my life, I just feel that it might be the most suitable song to convey the mood. Makes it more touching and has the "you shall be missed" feeling, haha...

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