Thursday, April 21, 2005

Xbox For Me?!

I've always dreamt of getting an Xbox! It is the second best console for FPS games (the best still goes to PC =p). It all happened till the other day when i told my mother all about this Xbox thing. Persuaded her to get it for me cause i couldn't stand hiding my desire anymore >.<

And then she went, "It's ok, i'll get it for you. Just don't play so much". Is this for real?! I'm getting an Xbox just like that?! Damn, i should've told her months ago! So, i began my research...began finding out the price of the console from every game shop there is. I also asked about the games available plus some extras like the extra controllers etc etc...

Two days ago, i brought her to a game shop in Sunway Pyramid to ask about the Xbox. After some tiresome bargaining moments with the taukeh kedai, we finally agreed on the price! My mom took out her cheque book and started to state her name, the price, date, and the taukeh's name + company. I still couldn't believe my eyes that she's actually willing to pay for it! Unbelievable!

I started to think about all the things i can do with my Xbox. Wrestlemania, Doom, Halo...wah...gona die gaming sial! LoooL Some more can play multiplayer online games...crazy... >.<

But later, things changed. i started to think it worth buying? I mean, Microsoft is coming up with Xbox 2 in the near future...why can't i wait for it to be released, and THEN get it? Such a waste to get it now...i then discussed with my mom and...hmm, she don't seem to mind about her cheque book. She just tore the page out and...uhmmm...we left the shop...I regret doing that but it's for our own good that we keep that cash for the 'rainy days' (in this case...the Xbox 2 LoooL).

Haih, it was a pity that i didn't buy the Xbox. I was so close to even touching it! -Now im having this lust feeling of WANTING that console so very much!- >.<

*every word i state is true and happened my dreams =p (except for the LAST sentence)*

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