Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Star Wars Episode III Spoliers Guide Image hosted by Photobucket.com

This is a special post for the upcoming Star Wars Episode III. This post is purposely meant for spoilers, so please close this window if you do not want to know (even if you're eager to know so badly) the climaxes. Muahahaha! =p Some of them may not be spoilers, most probably because you ALREADY know it.

  1. Anakin turn to the darkside and became Vader (like, duh...no kidding, some ppl are still blur)
  2. Obi Wan versus Anakin in the volcanic planet, Mustafa.
  3. Anakin lost his arm and 'fell' into the lava.
  4. Obi-Wan: I love you Anakin, but i won't help you.
    Anakin: I HATE YOU!!!
  5. Darth Sidious is Palpatine (his face was deformed by Force Lightning)
  6. General Grievous has four (4) arms: with the other two being its own dislocated ribs
  7. Grievous versus Obi-Wan in forgot what planet =p
  8. Obi-Wan killed Grievous using a blaster pistol/rifle (WTF?! Potong stim already...)
  9. In the 1st quarter of the show, you'll witness some space action. It's gonna be chaotic (i hope)
  10. Padme gave birth to...Luke and Leia (duh...)
  11. Padme was Force Choked by her own husband, Anakin.
  12. She died after giving birth to the twins.
  13. Anakin killed Mace Windu ( i think...not sure though)
Well, that's all i can think of for now. My mind is so crammed up, thinking of what could happen in the next few days. By the way, Friday's schedule is replaced with...erm...*to be continued*

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