Sunday, May 01, 2005

Supermarkets: The Horror Within

If i were given a choice, i wouldn't want to go to a supermarket because of various reasons. But anyhow, i followed my parents because they said they're gonna have dinner in a fast-food restaurant; KFC, Tesco.

Hmm, going to a supermarket ain't that bad, since i've not been to one for quite a long time (say half a year? maybe more than that...besides, what i mean by 'going to a supermarket' is going SHOPPING). I dislike shopping...why?
  • Too many household items. Most housewives could be seen in every department.
  • Screaming, young, retarded kids either playing with trolley or crying because they couldn't get their favourite toys from the shelves.
  • Limited parking. So many cars stalking each other just to get a free slot. That's the way it is man...
  • Very few eye-mo's in supermarkets/hypermarkets. Like i said, most of them will be those Aunties/Ah Soh's/MakCiks.
  • The most disgusting sight is the sight of GAYS! >.<" I saw a Malay gay couple holding hands...SO DISGUSTING! I've seen many more in KL but...i didn't expect to see any in supermarkets as well...=.=" No comment...
  • Big crowds. Just as you thought getting a place to park was dreadful, wait till the crowd piss you off. I can't stand crowds, especially those ignorant people who don't even realise they're blocking your way.
My parents and i were heading towards the escalator when i got separated by an @$$c!own Malay man. He came in front of me (between me and my parents)...and WTF?! He friggin stalled just before the escalator and let his family went first! And his family was taking their own sweet time! He really got me pissed! I really despise people who love to stall at the escalator. Sometimes i feel like bombarding the fella who does so with questions like, "Hoi! WTF man! You're friggin blocking MY way! Get lost if you're not using the escalator!" or "Your father's escalator is it?! Move aside-lah, FUSOB!". (FUSOB: Fkd Up Sunnovabtch)

That's basically the reasons why i dislike going to supermarkets. Heck, even going to pyramid isn't that bad. Plus, i get to see some 'eye mos' there as a bonus.

Before going into the supermarket...

Mom: Eric, can you eat dinner now?

Me: *looks at watch* Eh, it's only 5.30 now. Anything lah, my dinner time very flexible wan. Why can't eat later?

Mom: Your father and i are already hungry-la.

Me: You sure or not...You all hungry or don't want to push the trolley into KFC later...?Image hosted by See, told you all not to come so early but you all want to rush me. Now we have to eat early dinnerImage hosted by

Mom: ................

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