Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Childhood Sayings Pt. 1

Everyone has gone through their childhood days with joys and laughter. Some were unimaginable, some were totally stupid, some were embarrassing...and some were even disgusting! But hey, mine is so-so-lah...Haha, nah...just a few of them. Even at present, im still doing childish things *nyanyanyaaaahhh....* *cough*

I still remember when i was very VERY young (was a toddler), i used to have a favourite word...a word one could never comprehend. It goes something like this..."a-piku-isa-ping" don't laugh...i've heard other people's story and their's are worse ok...mine is not that bad though LOL How nice if it was a curse word back then.. *staring blindly into space* Imagine as a child, i could use that curse word while people will go "eh, so cute-lah when he says that!" Then maybe my aunties will fall for my charm...*cough* Anyway, too bad it was not. Wasted only...

Forwarding time to the stage when i was already around 5-6 years old, funny things start to invade my pure and unpolluted innocent virgin mind. I was curious to know what a magnifying glass was, so i picked it up and started to act like my grandfather reading the paper. But then i noticed that things 'grew' when i see through it (not bad for a young scientist child like me *kihkihkih* My cousin, KV (who is much elder than me) explained the actual purpose of it, and the object that i 'd seen has not actually grown. Perverted Curious minded cute young Eric began to search for his little brother and saw it through the holy magnifying glass! Such a genius! It's like making Albert Einstein squeal in his wet pants when I managed to steal his formulaes (hiperbola like sh*t man ROTFLOL)! My cousin was delighted to see me being a genius disgusted by my acts and looked away immediately (KV is a boy, dammit, what were you perverts thinking?!). Oh well, we're just being kids...hehe =p

Fast forwarding time again to the events in Port Dickson when i was 14 or so...(i guess) my family and i stayed in a rented bungalow for a couple of days. A bungalow with a pingpong table in its basement. My cousins, KV, JDream, and KV's elder sis, and i played pingpong to entertain ourselves in that rather boring house...*sigh* My parents? Nah, they were busy playing mahjong (their routine each time they meet) while gossiping about the bungalow's owner, Steven. We didn't care much actually...until Steven knocked on the front door in the basement (which is where we are). "WTF is he doing here at this time??" He asked us where our parents were and we told him that they're HAPPILY playing mahjong. We 'guided' him upstairs...OMFG, they're still HAPPILY gossiping about him! (notice the HAPPILY word? yeah, that was the whole thing, it came about just like that...and it became a laughing issue once my family had heard my side of the story after they were being bombarded greeted by Steven. ROTFLOL)

Sentence used to explain to my family during the time:
"While we were HAPPILY playing pinpong, Uncle Steven HAPPILY dropped by and HAPPILY knocked on the door. He HAPPILY asked us where you all were and we told him that you were all HAPPILY playing mah-jong. So, we decided to HAPPILY show him where you all were while he followed us. But we HAPPILY forgot to tell you all about his presence"

(no doubt soon after that, they HAPPILY tegur us and said that if there's any stranger nearby whom their talking about, please inform them first)

*Come to think of it, was it our fault? Haih, adults these days only know how to gossip...*

To be continued...

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